PAINWeek is the largest US pain conference for frontline clinicians with an interest in pain management.The annual conference presents 120+ hours of continuing medical education courses and master classes, special interest sessions, and satellite events geared toward physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, hospitalists, psychologists, and other healthcare professionals involved in pain management.
PAINWeek 2016 offers a multidisciplinary faculty and diverse curriculum in the following course concentrations: acute pain management, behavioral pain management, chronic pain prevention and care, health coaching, interventional pain management, medical/legal issues, neurology, pain and chemical dependency, pain management in the emergency department (ED), palliative care, and pharmacotherapy. There will also be full-day programs presented by the American Academy of Pain Medicine, the American Pain Society, the American Society of Pain Educators, the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators, and the Veterans Health Administration.